Thursday 18 June 2009

The blog of a nobody

Well, here I am. 35, teacher in an inner city school here in Birmingham, teaching lots of littluns of Bengali and Pakistani origin, going out with Iain who I met on the Guardian website, like reading, film, cooking, the pub. Seems a bit bog standard perhaps, but what I do also really like is laughing and humour - Iain is good for this - and writing, particularly poetry.

I've always loved 'The Diary of a Nobody' by George Weedon Goldsmith - I'd forgotten who it was by and had to shout up to Iain then who is working on the upstairs computer. My blog will be the blog of a nobody methinks. Day to day enough, but a life that I enjoy and lots of laughs.

My school is shut for the week because some of the kids have swine flu. I have already been treated as a bit of a leper because of it - banned from a family party despite my offer to stand at the bottom of the garden. Ho hum.

Anyhow last night we went to see 'Once on this Island' at the Birmingham Rep. It was a musical set in Haiti and based on the story of the little mermaid and was soooo effective. At first I though ' oh no, I hope this won't be X factor style warbling' but actually it wsa quit exhillerating and beautifully sung.

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